Friday 8 August 2014

10 problems only people with thick hair understand.

If you know anything about me at all, then you know that I have very thick hair. Most of the time, I have no idea how to deal with it! Whilst having huge hair can be an absolute blessing, there are certain times where my hair can truly drive me crazy, and I'm sure others with hair like mine would have to agree.


1. Having to use about half a bottle of conditioner each time you wash your hair - much to the annoyance of the rest of your family. Yes you feel guilty, but without the conditioner you would have to spend hours untangling your hair and that's just not a sacrifice you're willing to make at this point.

2. Spending half an hour brushing your hair, just for it all to magically knot together again minutes later. You constantly have to keep a comb in your bag in an attempt to tame the beast.

3. One word: malting. People have been asking you where your cat's hiding, and you don't even own a pet.

4. When your hair is so thick that it's flat. You can't do anything with it! Time to get out the thinning scissors, and fast.

5. Trying to put your hair up just to snap all of your hair-ties in the process. Your huge lump of hair is irritating your skin, but you can't even get it off your shoulders. So not fair.

6. Waking up in the morning resembling a lion. You know how those girls in movies always wake up looking picture perfect? Me, well I'm more like Mufasa; just less elegant.

7. When one side of hair is thicker than the other. How can I solve this without looking like a Portobello Mushroom? You end up wearing your hair on one side all the time purely to stop yourself from resembling a cave man.

8. Having to buy two packs of dye, because you just know one bottle won't be enough. All that money adds up!

9. Working for hours to achieve the perfect windswept look, just to actually enter the wind and have your hair blow up around you like a bird's nest. Your hairspray is completely useless, and now your date thinks you're too lazy to pick up a brush.

10. Losing bobby pins in your hair and only finding them when you brush through your hair the next morning. Yes, it happens.

What do you think, thick haired girls - can you relate to any of these? Share your stories in the comments.

Stay optimistic :) and thanks for reading!

Lots of love, Georgie Rose xx

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